Sunday, July 5, 2015


St. Joseph was a kind man,
Loving and so sweet!
Oh, Lord!  Please grant that I may,
Find a man as meet!

When I wanted to give Thee,
All my heart and soul.
Thou asked me to save them
For another goal.

And when Thou gavest the answer,
This is what it was:
"Give thy heart to a husband.
Do what a wife does."

Many years I listened not,
For it me did scare.
Yet Thou waited faithfully
Until I would dare...

To learn to accept thy will; 
To give up my life.
To listen to Thy calling
To become a wife.

Please hold it not against me
That is took so long.
To decide to do Thy will,
And for it be strong.

Grant to me a loving spouse,
Help me to one find.
One who is like St. Joseph,
Who is good and kind.

St. Joseph was a kind man;
Loving and so sweet.
Oh, Lord!  Please grant that I may
Find a man as meet.

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